The old adage that invites us to ‘work smarter, not harder’ is easy enough to say. But many marketing people struggle to put it into practice and, as a result, they’re always busy and in a hurry, with little time to produce things that are new and impactful. Efficiency can be achieved in many creative ways and our favourite way of ensuring you always have content going out to your audience is to reuse and repurpose what you already have!

Organising existing content into visuals is a simple and straightforward way of getting a high return on investment – that is, getting the most views for the stuff you’ve already created and curated! To help you save time and energy we have created a list of the types of visuals that you can easily produce with reused texts:
1. Turn a blog post into an infographic. Infographics are concise, easily digestible and easily shareable bits of information – and perfect for sharing on social media! Just pick out the essence of your blog and organise it in a small, colourful and attention-grabbing infographic and then simply let it free into the world via websites such as, Cool Infographics or Daily Infographic!
2. Turn a white paper into a webinar – white papers are premium content but making them premium takes a lot of time and expertise. One way of enhancing the download numbers for your white paper AND reaching new audiences is through a webinar. Webinars lasting half an hour to an hour are often more attractive to your audience than 6,000 words because they have the added entertainment factor added. In addition, it is much easier listening to the main points of the white paper explained by an expert than it is to extract them for yourself.
3. Produce a process decision chart from a feature article. We are all familiar with the ‘If A, then B, or if not then C’ process charts and many of us are naturally drawn to their simplicity. Following the ‘branches’ of a tree diagram is an easy and educational way of learning the steps and stages of a new process and most importantly, tailoring those to the situation at hand. For instance, an article discussing the relative benefits of water-based versus solvent based adhesives could be put into a decision chart to help guide customers to the best option for their application.
4. Make a video case study – As we’ve mentioned before in this blog, case studies are truly the stars of the marketing world. Journalists love them, customers are keen to read them and your competitors sneakily assess you by them. So if you have maximised the print appearances for a case study, why not transform it into the script for a video? Everyone will be interested to see your products in action!
5. Go from an eBook to a presentation – Just like white papers, eBooks are large pieces of premium content that attract viewers to your website. But parts of the eBook can also be repurposed as presentations users can access individually as and when needed. The series of presentations will form a mini-course and add value for users looking to educate themselves.
There are many ways of repurposing content and maximising the ‘eyeballs’ you get on it. We believe in efficient, simple and instructive marketing, so we've put together a checklist that can guide you through the stages of assessing, editing and repurposing existing content in your business. It is free to download and simple to use: