Social media #hashtag calendar

1 min read
25 February 2019

From charity fundraising to business topics to food, there is a vast amount of hashtag days where companies can create content relevant to their industries, generate awareness or get involved with a worldwide movement.

HashtagSome of these social hashtags will not be appropriate for your company to engage with - don't hijack by just sharing content on social media and adding an irrelevant hashtag to generate more traffic to your site. This is annoying and could generate negative publicity for your business. However, there could be valuable opportunities to take advantage of trending topics with relevant and entertaining content on social media that sets you apart from your competition.

To help you plan some of your social media content, we've produced a downloadable monthly calendar of hashtags you can use when creating your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram posts.

Have fun creating content for hashtag days!

July 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

May 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

April 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

March 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

February 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

January 2019 social media #hashtag calendar

December 2018 social media #hashtag calendar

November 2018 social media #hashtag calendar 

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